If you’re a typical marketer, your tendency will be to use Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for a one-way stream of information about yourself and your products. #socialmediafail
Umm — they’re called “social networks” for a reason. The idea is for you to ENGAGE with your connections, not simply pour out your own thoughts and ignore them.
In fact, Facebook’s algorithms — which determine how visible your postings are to those who say they “like” you — give priority to posts that are two-way in nature. In other words, the more engaging your content — the more your posts turn into conversations — the more visible they are to your fans and followers.
So, what can you do to engage more effectively through social networks in 2019?
Apart from the obvious — LISTEN to what your connections are saying and RESPOND in a timely manner — here are 20 ways for you to engage more, by constructing relevant, valuable, remarkable content designed to cater to the needs, wants and interests of your audience. Your aim is to add value to your followers, including outbound links to areas that could help them with their goals and purposes.
These are the criteria you need to use to shape the content:
- Your message needs to be relevant to your audience — and to their audiences as well, if you want the content to be shared beyond the initial recipients
- It needs to be fresh — stale news won’t get past the Delete key
- Your news needs to be worth buzzing about
- It needs to be exclusive — those potentially sharing the information want to be seen as ’in the know’, ahead of the pack
- There needs to be an element of scarcity involved to drive urgency (’only 150 made’, ’only until [date]’)
- It needs to come from a credible source
- Your product or service needs to be the right stuff (inherently valuable)
- Helpful – Does your content help solve problems? “Always be helping” is the new “always be closing.”
- Timely – Can your target audience relate to it?
- Targeted – Is the content intended to inform those “just looking”, “close to buying” or in the post-purchase phase?
- Interruptive – Is there a captivating element that grabs and sustains attention?
- Entertaining – Is there a novel or enjoyable aspect that is well-conceived and engaging?
- Illuminating – will it lead to “A Ha!” moments for recipients?
- Shareable – Does it have a viral quality? Would an influencer want to forward it, or post it?
- Progressive – Is there a call to action or “next-steps”?
- Versatile – Can it be leveraged across media channels?
- Crowd-sourced – Does it involve customers or partners in the spirit of cooperation?
- Efficient – Is it concise, perhaps in an effective list format, to offset diminished attention spans online?
- Attractive – is it visually interesting and will it stand out?
- Integrated – Does it fit with your existing or upcoming marketing pieces?
You should also regularly ask questions of your constituents, seeking their opinion or input (and responding to them if they give it).
Don’t just treat social media like advertising, you won’t like the results.
PS If you need guidance about how to engage, may we direct you to our social media courses, all of which include a healthy focus on tools of engagement:
Social Media Marketing
If you would like to know more about the full range of Social Media marketing options available to Kiwi businesses, check out our Social Media Marketing course:
The Principles & Practice of Social Media Marketing
This is a thirteen-part online training course providing a comprehensive introduction to Social Media Marketing, from the Basics to detailed instructions on how to build and run a Social Media Marketing programme.
For more details of the Social Media Marketing online course, please click here.
So you have a few hundred (or a few thousand) followers on Facebook but now you want to know how to get to the next level? Our Facebook Accelerator seven-part online course will lead you through the steps necessary to supercharge your Facebook presence and get Kiwi consumers engaging with you and your brands.
For more details of the Facebook Accelerator programme, please click here.
For those who wish to master Facebook Marketing in its entirety, we’ve created a ten-week online training programme which will take you from absolute beginner on Facebook to highly effective Facebook communicator.
For more details of the Complete Facebook Marketing programme, please click here.
Mastering Facebook Advertising
This is a nine-part eCourse providing a comprehensive introduction to paid Facebook Advertising.
For more details of the Mastering Facebook Ads online training course, please click here.
Instagram Marketing course
If your target audience is Under 35, Instagram absolutely must be one of your marketing options. This course will give you a solid introduction to this fast-growing social medium.
Even if you don’t intend to become directly involved in social media yourself, you may still need to understand the principles, practices and opportunities of social media — for example, if you need to brief someone about running a social media campaign. This programme is designed to provide you with the insights necessary to prepare an effective brief.
For more details of the How to Prepare an Effective Social Media Brief programme, please click here.
How to Use LinkedIn Effectively – For Your Business And Your Career

This is a seven-part online training eCourse providing a comprehensive introduction to LinkedIn, from the basics to detailed instructions on how to use LinkedIn to promote your organisation, build your personal reputation, find a job, recruit prospective employees and even make sales.
For more details of the How to Use LinkedIn Effectively programme, please click here.