Your Very Own Book: a Powerful Business Tool for B2B Marketers

As many B2B marketers have found, having your very own book is an extremely powerful way to open doors and get in front of prospects who simply wouldn’t have considered you otherwise.

(Read on to learn how we can ghostwrite your book for you — but hurry, only 3 slots are available)

Fast Company contributor (and published author) Ryan Holiday explains the appeal of books as “the ultimate business card”:

‘As Esquire put it, books and articles for writers of the 21st century have become “billboards for the messengers.” This equation profoundly changes the publishing game, from the way books are designed to the way they are written–and who writes them.

‘It explains the figure commonly thrown around in publishing that close to half of all books are ghostwritten (if that seems high to you, consider that a recent survey found that 42% of academic medical papers are ghostwritten). ‘

Why a Book?

1 Having your very own book tells potential investors, clients, journalists and influencers that you and your organisation are at the forefront of knowledge and innovation in your sector

2 Having your very own book can introduce you to prospects who otherwise wouldn’t have even considered you

3 Having your very own book gives you authority and credibility and demonstrates your expertise

4 Having your very own book will make you stand out from your competitors

5 Having your very own book raises your visibility and helps you to get media coverage

6 Having your very own book helps people to find you (Amazon is the #3 search engine after Google and YouTube)

7 Having your very own book provides great opportunities to establish and clarify your brand values with your audience

8 Having your very own book can provide a simple way to intrigue prospects and educate them on your valuable methodology

How could YOU use your very own book as a marketing tool?

One of our clients loves using his book as a lead magnet. He speaks at business conferences on the topics covered in his book and then offers the book free to conference attendees, in exchange for their business card (which he then passes on to his sales people for follow-up). From his perspective, the book is a fabulous lead generation tool.

Another client sends out copies of his book to new business prospects. It’s a massively-effective way to get in front of prospects and say “here I am” in ways that his competitors simply can’t match.

What might your book feature?

That’s up for discussion. Generally speaking, your book would focus on your industry and what prospective clients would need to know. It shouldn’t be directly commercial – but would open its readers’ eyes to the potential in the industry, and firmly establish you as the frontrunner and thought-leader.

Imagine your name on the cover of your very own book


How can we help you with your book?

In a nutshell, we can manage the whole researching, writing, publishing and printing process on your behalf.

We start by discussing the likely content with you and then prepare an outline for you to approve.

Next, we start researching and writing. The content is submitted to you in monthly batches of chapters for you to review.

We use freelance designers to prepare print-ready interior images (if required).

Once the manuscript is completed, we submit it to an editor for proofreading and evaluation.

We then have the edited manuscript laid out by an interior layout designer, based on a layout you have approved.

Once that is completed, we have the whole book indexed.

Meanwhile, we source competitive design submissions for book covers, for you to choose your preferred design.

Once all the elements are completed, we hand the art files over to a local printer for printing an agreed, quoted quantity. Alternatively (or in addition), we provide the art files to Amazon and/or other online booksellers & distributors, for selling as an ebook or printed and shipped as customers order.

How long does it take to produce a book?

That can depend on the complexity and length of the book, but we typically recommend allowing 4-6 months for the writing of the book and a further two months for publishing and printing. We will discuss your requirements with you and if you have specific timings you wish to meet, we will endeavour to work with you accordingly.

Sign up today – only 3 spots available!

As you might imagine, ghostwriting is a highly resource-intensive activity, so we can only take on three projects at an one time.

We’re now accepting applications for the first half of 2019, but this is strictly on a first-come, first-served basis (only 3 slots available), so if you’re interested we encourage you to sign up immediately. Phone Michael Carney on +64 21 1493 403 or email

Who are we, that you should trust us to ghostwrite your book?

This ghostwriting service is provided by Michael Carney of Netmarketing NZ.

Michael Carney

Michael is the author of the top-selling book “Trade Me Success Secrets: How To Buy and Sell Effectively on NZ’s Favourite Auction Site”, now in its second edition. He is also the author of several other books, including the 2018 guide to European data regulations, “What Marketers Must Know About GDPR“. Michael has also written 15+ digital marketing courses, half a dozen plays and a zillion newsletters and business articles.

He has also ghostwritten a number of other books which cannot be named (for obvious reasons).

Michael is a veteran marketer with an insatiable passion for whatever’s new, different, exciting or interesting in the world of communications (and especially in the digital space). Michael has been in the marketing game since 1971, online since 1987 — and can be variously described as an author, digital marketing trainer, adman, media director, strategist, researcher, copywriter, consultant, playwright and dad.

Michael is probably best known for his many years as Media Director of a number of leading NZ advertising agencies, including MDA Mackay King (now Saatchi & Saatchi) and HKM Rialto (since merged with Colenso BBDO). More recently he worked in strategic roles with MediaCom New Zealand and Grey Worldwide and was Strategic Planning Director for the Media Counsel before setting up Netmarketing Courses, which offers a range of online training courses on digital marketing and related topics. Courses can be viewed at

You can find out more about Michael at

What does it cost to have your book ghostwritten?

We charge just $100+GST per printed page to ghost-write your book. Typically, we agree on an approximate pagecount upfront, and work towards that.

Other costs involved in the publishing process:

  • Publishing Management. Our fee for managing the book through the various stages once the manuscript is completed: $3,500+GST
  • Editing & Proof-reading. This varies based on page-count. A typical fee for a 250-page book: $750 +GST
  • Cover Design. We usually use a global design site, where for a US$299 prize we list the book specifications and designers compete to offer the best design solution. Allow $500 +GST
  • Interior Design. We use offshore designers who do great work with the book layout. Allow $800 +GST
  • Interior Images. If there are interior images (eg graphs, designs), we outsource these to freelancers offshore to design and make ready for printing. Price varies depending on designs. Allow $500 +GST
  • Indexing. Allow $500 +GST
  • Printing. This is quoted once the final pagecount is determined, and varies based on (a) volume; and (b) leadtime. The more copies that are printed, the lower the unit cost. Alternatively, the books can be printed offshore (usually in Asia), for a lower unit cost but requiring a longer lead time. For, say, 400 books printed locally, you might pay around $10-$12+GST per copy.

Retail Sales

If you choose to have your book available for retail sale, you will also incur these costs:

  • Sales & Distribution. NZ book distribution companies take 12% of the retail price for sales and 16% for distribution. No upfront costs.
  • Publicity. Local publicists charge $150 per hour, with a minimum of 8 hours to arrange for reviews and interviews. Allow $1,200
  • Retail. Retailers take an average margin of 42% of the retail price. This is deducted from their payments to the distributor so no upfront costs are incurred.
  • Listing on Amazon as ebook and Print on Demand book. No cost – Amazon deducts its margin from each copy sold.

What’s the total cost of a typical book?

If we assume that your book is 250 pages, that would incur a writing fee of $25,000+GST. Then add on the publishing costs, an estimated $6,550+GST. Printing, say, 400 books might cost $4500+GST. So a total cost would be in the order of $36,000+GST.

And the value to your business?

Leveraged properly, your very own book could bring in hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars worth of business. Just as importantly, your newfound position of authority and credibility could open doors that you never even knew existed.

Terms of Trade

We require an upfront deposit of $5000+GST immediately upon commissioning, which is then offset against the total cost of writing the book (we credit back $1000+GST per month against completed pages, for five months).

We invoice you each month (less $1000+GST) for the pages completed that month, for payment within seven days.

We charge you external costs as incurred, but generally have the printing charged to you directly unless otherwise arranged.

Sign up today – only 3 spots available!

We’re now accepting applications for the first half of 2019, but this is strictly on a first-come, first-served basis (only 3 slots available), so if you’re interested we encourage you to sign up immediately. Phone Michael Carney on +64 21 1493 403 or email

Michael Carney Written by: