Want to Double the Effectiveness of Your Social Media Marketing?

Are you failing to connect with many of your followers on Facebook or Instagram? Do you feel like you’re talking to yourself?

We can help to DOUBLE the numbers of your followers talking and engaging with you.

Why Social Media Matters for NZ Business

Social Media is more important than ever in 2019 for New Zealand businesses.

Why? Because that’s where Kiwis hang out — 3.8 million of us, 88% of the population, now use Social Media (according to Nielsen Online, as at December 2018).

And New Zealanders spend an average of 1 hour 53 minutes in social media every day.

That’s where your customers and prospects are, and that’s where you should be as well.

But Social Media Marketing isn’t as easy as it once was. The social media networks have been steadily diminishing the effectiveness of social media posts over the last several years.

Now, unless you know exactly what you’re doing, only a very small percentage of your followers will see your posts.

If you’re not careful with your social media posts, you could be missing out on a great opportunity.

Here are three quick ways to fail in social media:

  • Drive followers away by only talking about yourself and your products/services.
  • Post content that’s boring or irrelevant.
  • Pay to advertise in social media – but share content that’s dull or salesy.

According to Sprout Social research, 58% of consumers get annoyed with brands that post too many promotions.

So what should you do?

The moment that you STOP SELLING and start providing relevant and valuable content, that’s when you truly start to gain the trust of your followers and build real relationships and connections.

Social Media is forcing us to stop talking about ourselves in brash and blatantly self‐promotional fashion and learn how to engage effectively with our followers, before they get tired of all our self‐promotional obsessions and simply unfollow us.

If you want your posts to get noticed and shared, they have to be (a) relevant to your followers; and (b) worth sharing.

So how can we help?

We’ve drawn on our nine years of expertise, training Kiwis on the various aspects of social media — oh, and our 40+ years of marketing experience across both digital and traditional media — to put together what we call a Social Media Accelerator Program.

It’s part analysis and part training and is specifically designed to help your social media marketing work more effectively.


Here’s what’s included in this comprehensive program:

PHASE ONE: Social Media Audit & Analysis

As our first step, we audit and analyse your existing social media activity, to determine:

  • what you’re doing wrong
  • what you’re doing right
  • what the most successful competitors in your category are doing; and
  • which social media strategies you should adopt for future posts

We also interview you (by telephone or email) to determine:

  • your social media objectives and expectations
  • your target audience(s)
  • the product(s) and/or service(s) you wish to promote
  • any keywords and/or hashtags you are currently using
  • any key timings that need to be factored into your marketing activity
  • the offer(s) you can make to encourage product/service purchases
  • any branding requirements

Once we have gathered and analysed all this information, we will provide you with recommendations on how best to proceed with your Social Media Marketing.

Phase Two: Training

Once we’ve completed the Social Media Audit and Analysis, it’s time for the rest of the program to kick into high gear.

Drawing from our extensive suite of digital marketing training courses, we will provide you with specific training covering:


The biggest challenge for any business using Facebook pages these days? Creating Facebook posts that get noticed and get shared. We identify the secrets of effective Facebook posts and show you exactly what you need to do to stand out on Facebook.


Why do some Instagram posts go massively viral (effortlessly, it seems) whilst others are just meh? We’ve done the homework so you don’t have to, identifying more than a dozen secrets of powerful Instagram photos and videos.

We also discuss the best ways to attract followers, and how to really engage with them.

This lesson features:

  • The Most Effective Instagram Creative Approaches
  • The comparative effectiveness of photos vs. videos
  • The photo content types that attract 38% more likes
  • Posting Mistakes to Avoid
  • How often you should post
  • The strategic importance of Location Tagging
  • The power of emojis
  • How to Set Up and Use Instagram Live
  • hashtags, hashtags, hashtags


A good working knowledge of psychology — and in particular of the relevant human characteristics that can enhance your communications — will stand you in very good stead when it comes to Social Media Marketing.

In this lesson, we are going to take a look at some key psychological insights and triggers that will help you to create more effective content, including:

  • Understanding ELMR, which stands for Emotion, Logic, Motivation and Reward
  • Professor Cialdini’s Theory of Influence and how you can use its six key elements in your marketing messages
  • Why People Buy (and the implications for your copy)
  • 13 Key Psychological Triggers which you should consider using


Finally, we take a look at the latest tools that will help you manage your social media needs more effectively.

In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  • where to find low- or no-cost tools to help you with images, videos and other content for your social media posts
  • what you can and should measure as you use social media to market your products and services
  • the top tools recommended by leading social media experts
  • where to find and curate content worth sharing with your followers


We can also provide ongoing resources and support to help you with your continuing Social Media Marketing needs, but first things first: first you need to go through our Social Media Accelerator Program, to ensure that you have the basics right.

We’re launching this enhanced version of the Social Media Accelerator Program this month, and have a very special offer for you.

Previously the program has been available for $1297+GST, reflecting the fact that we devote a significant amount of time to personally auditing your social media activities.

For the moment, however, as a promotional incentive, we are offering the Social Media Accelerator Program during the month of February for just $997+GST, a saving of $300.

NB We reserve the right to withdraw this offer if we get overwhelmed with orders, so we recommend that you SIGN UP NOW to, as they say, avoid disappointment.

To enable us to get started DOUBLING YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA EFFECTIVENESS immediately, simply sign up for our Social Media Accelerator Program RIGHT NOW.

Just pay $997+GST by credit card through PayPal through this link:

Register Now for the next course

Bookings are confirmed on receipt of payment. If you would prefer to pay by bank deposit, or require an invoice, please send an email to bookings@socialmedia.org.nz with your requirements.

We do recommend that you act quickly – the Audit process in particular requires significant time and resources and so orders must be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.


Once we receive your order, we will email you (using the email you provided to PayPal during the registration process) to arrange a time to interview you about your current social media marketing activities.

After we have completed the Audit and you have been through the training, we recommend that you consider joining our Social Media Partner Program which provides ongoing content and advice.


The Social Media Accelerator Program has been created and is administered by Michael Carney of Netmarketing Courses. You can read more about us on the About page of this website.


If you have any queries about our Social Media Accelerator Program, or would like more information, you can email us at bookings@socialmedia.org.nz.

PS We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that on this website we have plenty of courses to help you learn more about Social Media Marketing. Check out our Online Courses section of this website.

Michael Carney Written by: