How to Reinvent Yourself – After the Coronavirus

Are you willing to explore new opportunities in the aftermath of the Covid-19 coronavirus?

In 2020, the coronavirus has trashed the global economy. Thousands of Kiwi jobs have been lost, entire business sectors have been shut down indefinitely and others are in a state of limbo.

For many, there is nowhere to go — unless you reinvent yourself.

To do that, you will need to take a close look at yourself, your specialist knowledge, your past achievements, skills and experience.

Once you have identified all that, you’ll need to consider how those talents might be applied to other fields.

Then, you’ll want to understand exactly what people are looking for in tomorrow’s world — or to find some of the business opportunities that are still out there for Kiwi entrepreneurs willing to ‘give it a go’.

How can you match what you know and what you can do to what the world now wants?

Then there’s the small matter of HOWhow can you get to the next steps? What’s involved, what do you need to know and how can you make it happen?

We have put together an 8-part online training course which will take you through the whole process of reinventing yourself.


So are you ready to reinvent yourself?

Our online course, “How to Reinvent Yourself”, tells you what you need to know in an eight-part programme that steps you through the principles and processes necessary to reinvent yourself after the coronavirus.

The course has been created by Michael Carney, longtime marketer and author of the top-selling book “Trade Me Success Secrets” and other books concerned with digital business. Michael is also the creator of a number of other online courses (including several Social Media Marketing courses) and consults on many digital business initiatives.

This is an online course, conducted on a web-based e-learning software platform, enabling course participants to proceed at their own pace, accessing materials online. This particular eCourse provides content in a variety of multimedia forms, including videos, slideshows, flash-based presentations and PDF files. No special software is required to participate.

Course lessons will be provided in eight parts, for participants to access in accordance with their own timetables.



Here’s what some of our students have said about some of our past courses:

  • Really informative course, definitely helping us whilst we start out on our first ecomm project in NZ — Rob. T
  • Thanks for another great course. I found it insightful, in-depth and I know our web presence and web sales will improve because of it. — Bruce H.
  • I have somehow managed to develop over 80 pages of my own notes to complement the course ones. I look forward to participating in another in the near future. — Mark J


Course Content for HOW TO REINVENT YOURSELF includes:

Lesson One: Achievements

What have you achieved in your previous job roles?

Potential employers aren’t particularly interested in the actual roles you may have held in the past. They’re more concerned with what you’ve achieved in your previous roles. It’s far more beneficial to your cause to describe your past in terms of what you delivered for your former employers (and, by extension, what you might deliver to your new employer).

In Lesson One, we take you step by step through exactly what you need to do to review your past work experience and what to look for in terms of achievements that you can summarise and present to prospective employers.

We also show you how to ensure that the achievements that you highlight are relevant, by reverse-engineering job advertisements and determining exactly what those employers  require.

Lesson Two: Specialist Knowledge

Once you’ve identified and written down your past achievements, take another look. What skills, talents and specialist knowledge do you have and how could that be applied to other fields?

In this lesson, we show you how to review your:

  • Skills: What skills and talents do you have and how could they be applied to other fields?
  • Experience: What unique experience have you had that could be transferable to other industry sectors?
  • IP: Do you own any Intellectual Property, developed in one field, that might be adapted to other industry sectors?
  • Market: What have you learned about the marketplace that others might not know?

As part of Lesson Two, we administer a Skills Assessment Checklist which will help you to identify skills you might not have realised that you have.

Lesson Three: Can You Teach?

Can you teach what you know?

Your job might have vanished but there might still be opportunities to train others. In this lesson we talk about the many different ways that you can teach these days, including in-person workshops and seminars, online courses and live or pre-recorded webinars. And then there’s one-to-one coaching, either in person or through the suddenly-ubiquitous video services such as Zoom.

Your market is no longer just local — now you can go global with the click of a mouse, either through your own platform or through some of the international course providers that already have millions of members.

In Lesson Three, we will show you:

  • how to access online training tools
  • the various learning styles that you should include your courses
  • which international course providers you should consider, and what they’re looking for

Lesson Four: Work Appeal

What type of work appeals to you most?

We’re not all alike and if you are going to reinvent yourself successfully, it’s essential that you look for new opportunities that feature the type of work that you actually like. If you’re going to reinvent yourself, you might at least aim to do so within a career that you can love, not a dead end job that you hate. Yes, the coronavirus might limit your options, but if you don’t aim for the stars you risk missing out on at least achieving the moon.

In this lesson, we explore the fourteen characteristics that would most appeal to you for a future career and identify some of the possible roles that include such characteristics.

We also discuss the four basic communication styles that people use in business and help you determine which style(s) you prefer (and how to leverage that information for the mutual benefit of you and your prospective employer)..

Lesson Five: Necessary Skills

How comfortable are you with today’s most important work-related skills? Have you developed the necessary expertise that is required in many jobs in the current environment?

We’ve identified many of the skills that are common to workplaces today and in this lesson we encourage you to rank them based on how you would feel if they were part of your job requirement and suggest appropriate roles based on your rankings.

Lesson Six: Ideas

So far, we’ve talked about ensuring that your expertise is tailored to meet the expectations of future employers. However, the new environment in which we all find ourselves may well mean that the old ways of doing business are no longer relevant. So how can you explore new opportunities?

Where can you turn for ideas, either for new types of businesses that might use your skills or for new business opportunities that you might explore on your own behalf?

In this lesson, we identify a wide range of sources which you can monitor for potential ideas, discuss the types of ideas you should be looking for and encourage you to keep your eye on the horizon, looking for ideas big or small.

Lesson Seven: Validate

How can you determine if there is actually a market for those ideas? Do customers actually want and need what you are proposing? And can you meet that need in a cost-effective manner?

To validate the potential of your idea, we walk you through the processes involved in checking out some of the key indicators:

  • Are consumers already purchasing similar products?
  • Are they searching for keywords that relate to your idea?
  • Are there already competitors selling similar products?

If the answer to those questions is yes yes and yes, then those are positive indicators that it will be worth your while to investigate further.


Lesson Eight: Promote

And finally, how can you market yourself in tomorrow’s world?

In Lesson Eight, we take you through the processes required to promote your reinvented products or services to the world. We start with the target market, help you to set meaningful and achievable results (typically on a shoestring budget) and discuss the key elements you need to consider to get noticed in a post-pandemic world.



This course is not currently available.

If you are interested in taking this course when it returns, please send an email to with details of your interest.


Michael Carney Written by: