The Power and Influence of Instagram

We’ve been spending a lot of time lately analysing Instagram — we have assembled a database of some 61,000 New Zealand Instagram users as we develop Instagram monitoring software (about which, more in due course) — and we just came across a stunning example of the power of the medium.

This post — shared by Instagram itself to its 226 million followers — has racked up 209,412 likes in less than an hour.


The photographer, New Zealand’s sophiejanephoto, must be thrilled with the exposure.

That sort of serendipity — being featured by the medium’s biggest influencer — is not something that you can plan for, of course. But, like every success on Instagram, you can prepare for unexpected discovery by doing a number of things right.

Exactly what sorts of things? To answer that question properly, may we direct you to our two newest Social Media Marketing courses:

Lesson Four of each course tells you what you need to know to succeed on Instagram.

BTW, we mentioned that Instagram monitoring software that we are developing. If your organisation monitors Social Media, we would love to ask you a couple of questions about what you currently monitor — and what you wish you could monitor. Please just drop us an e-mail and we will email you back with those questions.


Michael Carney Written by: