Ten Top Social Media Marketing Tips

Remember the Wild West days of social media? Anyone could shout into the void and hope someone heard. Not any longer. These days, the competition is fierce, and algorithms rule the roost. So, how do you make your social media marketing roar beyond a whimper?

Here are ten actionable social media marketing tips and techniques to turn your online presence into a powerhouse.

1. Find Your Tribe, Speak Their Language:

Gone are the days of generic posts to everyone. Target your audience like a laser. Conduct deep dives into their demographics, interests, and pain points. Tailor your content to resonate with their language and cultural references.

2. Be a Video Visionary:

Let’s face it, video is king (and queen). Short-form video platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels are exploding, and longer-form video content on YouTube is thriving. Invest in creating high-quality, engaging videos that showcase your brand personality and value proposition.

3. Embrace the Power of Community:

Social media isn’t about one-way broadcasting. It’s about building relationships. Respond to comments promptly, host Q&A sessions, and encourage user-generated content. Run contests and polls to spark engagement. Of course, fostering a vibrant community builds loyalty and trust, so forget about hit-and-run, be there for the duration.

4. Adopt a Flexible Content Strategy:

Not every post has to be perfect. Embrace the occasional scrappy, low-fidelity content to save time and potentially capture more engagement. This approach encourages creativity and spontaneity in your social media efforts.

5. Collaborate & Conquer:

Teamwork makes the dream work, even online. Partner with influencers, other businesses, or even passionate customers to co-create content, host events, or run cross-promotions. This expands your reach, taps into new audiences, and generates fresh perspectives.

6. Be Selective with Trends:

While it’s tempting to jump on every social media trend, focus on those that align with your brand’s messaging and goals. This discernment ensures your content remains authentic to your brand identity and resonates with your target audience​.

7. Master the Metrics Maze:

Data is your friend. Track your social media performance using analytics tools. Understand what content resonates, which platforms convert best, and where you can improve. Don’t get overwhelmed by vanity metrics like follower count. Focus on engagement, website traffic, and conversions that align with your goals.

8. Embrace Social SEO:

With platforms like TikTok integrating Google search results, focusing on keyword optimization in captions and creating content that answers common questions can significantly boost your visibility. This approach combines entertainment with education, ensuring your content remains relevant and discoverable over time​​.

9. Stay Ahead of the Curve:

Social media is a living, breathing organism. Stay updated on the latest trends and platform changes. Experiment with new features, embrace emerging technologies like AI-powered content creation, and be ready to adapt your strategy as the landscape evolves.

10. Be Bold, Be Authentic, Be You:

The most important tip? Be yourself! Inject your brand personality into your content. Share your story, your values, and what makes you unique. Authenticity resonates with audiences and builds trust. Don’t be afraid to take risks, experiment, and have fun. Remember, social media is about human connection, and that’s where your true power lies.

By following these ten actionable tips and staying informed, you can transform your social media marketing from a mere blip to a booming success story.

P.S. Consistency is key. So, get out there, connect with your audience, and keep it going.

If you’d like to keep yourself updated with the latest skills in Social Media Marketing, check out our courses:

The Principles & Practice of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing course


For those new to Social Media Marketing: this is a thirteen-part eCourse providing a comprehensive introduction to Social Media Marketing, from the Basics to detailed instructions on how to build and run a Social Media Marketing programme.

For more details of the Social Media Marketing online course, please click here.

We also have a combined course that will help you master both of New Zealand’s most powerful social media:

Complete Facebook and Instagram Marketing course

By far the most powerful social media channels for NZ marketers these days are Facebook and Instagram.

That’s where the audiences are, and that’s where YOU need to be.

  • Through Facebook you can reach an estimated 3.1 million Kiwis 13+
  • Through Instagram you can reach an estimated 1.95 million Kiwis 13+

Of course, there’s rather more to Facebook and Instagram marketing than making a few posts or taking a few pretty pictures and hoping to reach large numbers of your target audience.

Effective social media marketing requires the right knowledge, tools, tips and techniques to help you get noticed and to encourage your audience to engage with you and your brand.

That’s where we can help.

In recognition of the combined strengths of Facebook and Instagram, we’ve taken the best of our popular Facebook and Instagram courses, and blended them together into a powerful thirteen-part Complete Facebook and Instagram Marketing online training course.

This combined course will bring you up to speed with what’s required to make your social media marketing on Facebook and Instagram really work for you in 2023.

Check out the details of our Complete Facebook and Instagram Marketing online training course by clicking here.

How to Prepare an Effective Social Media Brief

Preparing an Effective Social Media Brief

Even if you don’t intend to become directly involved in social media yourself, you may still need to understand the principles, practices and opportunities of social media — for example, if you need to brief someone about running a social media campaign. This programme is designed to provide you with the insights necessary to prepare an effective brief.

For more details of the How to Prepare an Effective Social Media Brief programme, please click here.

Michael Carney Written by: